
May 5, 2014

Get Out!

Hey RANTers!

How are you guys doing?

I hope everyone had fun during Laboracay (Actually, I wasn’t in Boracay during the Labor Day.).

Since it’s still summer time and everyone has some place in mind that they want to go to, I will be RANTing about my experience in a W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L place that me and my fellow Health Bloggers went to last May 3, 2014.

So, as you all know, the Philippine Health Bloggers Society had their Health Blogging Workshop entitled “Blogging for Health and Wellness” last Saturday.

Photo not owned by blogger.

And to tell you the truth, I enjoyed this event a whole lot, especially the touring part.

In the morning, we all had a rendezvous at 7:00 a.m. at Starbucks, Yupangco Building, Buendia wherein Zoomanity’s office is located as well (Which kind of surprised me, actually.).

We waited for everyone else there and left the building at EXACTLY (Yup! Yup! “Filipino Time” isn’t in our vocabulary.) 7:30 a.m..

The shuttle ride to Paradizoo took a little while. So while we’re inside the bus, and since it has been a long time since we’ve seen each other as well, we had a little bit of babbling (RANTing for me, that is.) here and there (And to think that Janina planned on sleeping while we’re on our way.) and me making a MOONSTONE RING for Janina.

Yes, I do make wire-wrapped jewelries.
Photo taken by Nr. Janina.

When we got to Paradizoo, we were warmly welcomed by the staff and served us with a bit of snack before we had a little tour of the place.

A scrumptious snack before anything else.

Fast forwarding to a few minutes, we started on the little tour of the place.

Our first stop would be the animals that they have there.

Most of the animals at Paradizoo are FARM ANIMALS such as cows…

This cow actually have FIVE feet. Yes, F-I-V-E.

…rabbits, different kinds of goats, pigs, and horses, and LOVE BIRDS (Yup! Yup! You read that C-O-R-R-E-C-T-L-Y.).

One of my colleagues, Nr. Erick Bernardo, even got the chance of milking a goat (And the goat is actually anxious of what’s happening around her.).

Nr. Erick Bernardo milking a goat's udder.
Photo taken by Mr. Yzak Vargas

What’s more? This is my very first time to feed animals (Other than Temi and Garfield, of course.). I was surprised when one of the staff handed me a bag of vegetables and some bird seeds. It was so C-O-O-L!

I actually enjoyed feeding those animals especially the birds (Not THAT bird.).

In addition to the farm animals inside Paradizoo, they also have a BEE FARM.

Try looking for the Queen Bee.
I didn't have that much of a luck finding her.

FACT: Honey is actually “BEE VOMIT” (Sounds Y-U-M-M-Y, right?). So the next time you’re thinking of consuming honey, think of the hard (Ooohh! Me likey!) vomiting the bees had put into it just for you (Bulimia much?).

Then our next stop in the tour would be the vegetable farm that they have.

This Flower Mandala got my attention so I had to take a picture of it.

This is one of the things I’m looking forward to in this tour. To tell you guys the truth, I actually L-O-V-E taking care of plants especially HERBS.

Temi having some relaxing time in my herb garden.

Herbs I got from Paradizoo.
Ashitaba (left) and thyme (right).

A little bit of facts here. The Zoomanity Group is actually environment-friendly. They grow their plants using ORGANIC fertilizers only and they recycle each plastic bottle they have in hand.

"Present this to any Zoomanity Park & get a 20% discount on entrance."

So, you guys might be wondering as to the reason I’ve RANTed more on the tour of the venue of our event and less than of what happened during the talks of each speaker.

Other than having Zoomanity as one of our sponsors, I just want to suggest to everyone this place just in case you’re not planning on going to the beach and just want to enjoy the company of Mother Nature. Paradizoo is one of the B-E-S-T places that you may want to go to.

And if in case you’re wondering where to stay the night just in case you want to extend your tour of their places, you may want to check-in at their Residence Inn.

Okay, let’s get things straight (You guys know I’m not.). I personally don’t know the prices of the tour and everything in between but you may want to visit Zoomanity’s Website and/or contact Ms. Karren L. Cernal, their Advertising and Public Relations Assistant, at 0999-4903941 or

I hope you guys will check this place out for yourselves and have a FANTABULOUS summer!

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