
December 9, 2013


(Photo not owned by the blogger.)

(Photo not owned by the blogger.)

Hello! Hello RANTers!

I apologize for not being able to do a RANT last RANTday for ARID (My effin’ lappie.) is having some emotional problems again (He needs to be hospitalized again; in the MENTAL WARD.).

Anyway, I’ll make sure that in today’s RANT, you’ll be enjoying it.

Okay, take a look at the pictures again that are posted before the start of this RANT.

Aren’t they G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S (Come on! I know you find them gorgeous.)?

What if I told you dear RANTers that they are TRANSGENDERS?

Ahahahaha! Don’t believe me?

Then how about you take a look at this…

NICK FERNANDEZ; Before (left) and After (right)(Photo not owned by the blogger.)

Still don‘t believe me? The pictures speak for themselves. They are neither F-A-K-E nor E-D-I-T-E-D nor ENHANCED.

Now I know that you guys are wondering about the “Before and After” picture of Ms. Del. Well, I can’t find any “Before and After” picture of her so you just use your imaginations on how she looked before. (*wink!*)

So, you guys may be wondering what could be my reason that I wanted to do a RANT about TRANSGENDERS (Oops! I stand corrected. They WERE ONCE the opposite gender of what they are now.)

The reason is that I T-O-T-A-L-L-Y find them so A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
I mean, come on! Who would’ve have known that they were once the opposite gender of what they are now? I know I didn’t.

The first time I met Ms. Del Domingo was when I saw a picture of her posted on Facebook (Again, I’m a Facebook Addict.). I was immediately mesmerized by her beauty that I thought that she was born a woman (If you know what I mean.). The longer I looked at her picture, the more that I am puzzled if she was R-E-A-L-L-Y a woman. It was only this year (I saw her picture on Facebook two or three years ago, I think.) that I found out that she was once a man.

She totally W-O-W-E-D me (Honestly speaking.)!

Then just a few weeks ago, I Tweeted that one of my goals in life is to be able to meet a Filipino TransMan (Or TransPinoy for that matter.). Then a few hours later, a certain “Nick” favorited that Tweet of mine.

At first, I was like “Okay. Who the hell is that guy? Oh, well. Never mind.”. Then another few hours later, I got curious to who it was so I opened my Twitter app then looked at the profile of that certain “Nick” (Okay, it’s starting to sound like that he’s a stalker of mine. HE IS NOT.).

Lo and behold! I really gasped and shouted “OMG! OMG! OMG!” like I am a schizophrenic maniac. I am flabbergasted by what I saw. A REAL TRANSPINOY favorited one of my Tweets! A REAL ONE!!! So I immediately replied to him saying that I find him H-O-T (Because he really is.) and handsome and that I have a crush on him (Whoa! I am not in love with him. Let’s be C-L-E-A-R about that.). He is my first TransMan crushie.

So, where am I going with all of these?

Whether we are born naturally as a man/woman or transformed into a man/woman, each one of us possesses beauty. It can be seen by the naked eye and it cannot; it can be felt by the heart and it cannot. But what’s important is that we live our lives as a human being by not judging others for who they are or for who they were once were.

Let’s get one thing straight (I know, I know. I’m gay.); they are neither GAY nor LESBIAN. They’re all REAL MEN AND WOMEN. Period.

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