
January 27, 2014


Hello, hello RANTers!

Okay, this is becoming a habit of mine; posting blog articles every other week and I don’t even like it.  Not even one bit.

Anyway, HELL/BIRTHDAY (Yes, dearie. I did have my birthday last week.) WEEK just passed by and I was totally exhausted.

I am so not going to tell you guys when my birthday is. You might be able to know how Y-O-U-N-G I am (Weh?!).

Getting started on my RANT, last January 21-24, 2014 the Philippines had the 7th Asia Pacific Conference on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights a.k.a 7th APCRSHR (Also pronounced as “APKRAHSER” by the way) at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC).

Photo not owned by blogger.

Photo not owned by blogger.

And I was there as the leader (Again, “WEH?!”) of PSORHN’s First Aid Group (“FAG” as what some of my colleagues call it. It fits me VERY WELL.).

During the first day of the conference, there was some news going around the venue that Anti-RH Law (Well, you guys know how CONTROVERSIAL that law is.) peeps invaded the conference.

Though there are from protesters from the Anti-RH group outside the venue, some of them are attending the conference itself.

The group of Anti-RH protesters outside the PICC last January 21, 2014.

How did we know?

Well, you guys know that every single time an event is going and you want to talk about it on your social media accounts, you have to put a certain hashtag for that post to be recognized by either of you friends or of some event-goers.

So the hashtag for the event was #7APCRSHR and the Media Committee people are following every single post with that hashtag.

Since Nurse Janina Santos was part of that committee and not of the FAG (Wahahahaha! I so love the name of our group.), she’s the one who told us that a certain Anti-RH peep attended the conference. Upon hearing that, I was like, “Really? He/She has the guts to do that?”. Well, everyone has the every right to attend the conference, even though it was expensive for my taste, anyway.

The curiosity got the cat in me and I searched for those Tweets upon going home. I saw the Tweets of @AntiRHOfficial (Yep! That’s the Twitter page they’re talking about.) and what got my attention was this…

And this was my reply to that Tweet…

And these were their replies to my question…

I mean, I was simply asking how in the world can it “DESECRATE” a Sacred thing?

Did they even know that there are also other things that other religion does to another religion just to gain followers? And by that I meant building that religion’s “Sacred” building on a “Sacred” site of the other religion.

Then our exchange of Tweets got longer and longer simply because they weren’t able to answer my simple questions DIRECTLY. Hell, they can’t even answer the question “How is the RH Law UNCONSTITUTIONAL?”.

Gosh! Is that even that hard (Not the other hard thing on your mind dear. Or should I say, between your thighs?) to answer?

I won’t be telling you guys what other things I’ve exchanged with these educated people here. It would not only be a waste of your time but it would also be a waste of CYBERSPACE. Just check out my Tweets with them by searching for the hashtag #7APCRSHR and #RaNtsOfAQueerGuy.

Ugh! So much for that drama. I’m not the right person to talk about religion anyway.

But what I R-E-A-L-L-Y find amazing in that conference are the LGBT-themed researches such as these ones…

As I was looking upon every single poster presentation that tackles on the LGBT Community, I asked myself if the Philippines the only country left doing research on HIV when it comes to LGBT Sexual and Reproductive Health. Well, that’s what comes into the mind of every single Filipino when you talk to them about LGBT Sexual and Reproductive Health. I mean, they’re only focusing on the GAYS and BISEXUAL MEN and not on the LESBIANS, TRANSGENDERS, and INTERSEXUALS. I just hope we can change our perspective when it comes to that.

Not only did I look upon the LGBT themed posters but also on the posters that tackled MALE Sexual and Reproductive Health…

It was such a fun and fulfilling (Yep! The food was quite good for us. I just don’t know how it was to the other delegates.) event. And by that, I mean to say that it was full of INFORMATION and some other stuffs (Such as condoms. Yehey!).

I am so gonna look forward to the 8th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights in MYANMAR!

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