
July 15, 2013


Hey there again dearest RANTers! How’s everyone doing? I hope everyone isn’t affected by the BED WEATHER this morning. Ahihihihi!

Anyway, I would like to ask everyone to join me in entering a different world (Do I sense A-U-T-I-S-M here?); a world where the RAINBOW PEOPLE live. A world like this…

Video not owned by the blogger.

Imagine yourselves being in that kind of world; a world where the heterosexuals are being despised. A world where a man is made for his fellow man and a woman is made for her fellow woman. A world where this kind of relationship is accepted…

Picture owned by Jake Jr. the Rainicorn Pup of Faceboook.

…and this kind of relationship is frowned upon…

Picture owned by Jake Jr. the Rainicorn Pup of Faceboook.

Would you be happy?

For us (Especially ME of course.) in the LGBT community, Y-E-S we would be happy. We would be E-C-S-T-A-T-I-C.

Can you imagine a world wherein the people in the streets are shouting “Heterosexuality is a sin” or “God made 'Adam and Steve' not 'Adam and Eve'”?

Can you imagine a little girl or a little boy having injuries he/she got from bashing because he/she is accused of being a heterosexual?

Can you imagine a group of heterosexual people protecting their own community and saying that they’re humans too and has the right to love one another?

Can anyone of my dear RANTers imagine a world wherein the heterosexual people are fighting for their rights to get married and shouldn’t be blamed for some life-threatening disease?

Can anyone imagine a kind of world like that (I have actually done it a few times already.)?

So many questions, right (And I actually asked another one here.)?

But the R-E-A-L and B-I-G (Ooohh! Me LIKEY!) question there is this: Will anyone be happy?

A different kind of world.

A different kind of acceptance.

A different kind perspective.

A different kind of love.

Just by imagining the homophobes experiencing the kind of bashing and the kind of hurt we of the LGBT experience could be a J-O-Y (Not a name of a girl.) at first. But if we ponder on it, we may find ourselves asking if it is right or not. Because we ourselves know that hurting other people, by either physical or emotional, could drive them crazy. Crazy enough to drive them on the edge and hurt themselves. Or it could be worse.

We could live in that kind of world but the problems still didn’t fade. It is still there.

There is hate and NO LOVE. There is only hurt and NO HEALING. There is existence but NO ACCEPTANCE.

A lot of RHETORICAL QUESTIONS being asked but let me ask you one last thing dearest RANTers

Would you live in THAT kind of world?

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