
May 13, 2013


“I’m HIV positive.”

Hello my dearest RANTers! It’s election day today so VOTE WISELY (But for sure that by the time you've read this post you've already voted.). Now that I got your attention, you’ll be reading all throughout this blog post (And I L-O-V-E it!).

A few days back, as I was browsing through my Facebook News Feed, I stumbled upon a video that talks about how one can prevent transmitting the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (a.k.a. HIV) and not only that but one of my crushies, SEBASTIAN CASTRO (Insert fanatic scream here.), is featured in the video (Fainting act). Here is the video I’m RANTing about…

                                                 Fly Love Yourself feat. Sebastian Castro

It actually sums up the whole health teaching regarding the prevention of the HIV through sex. So let me elaborate (Dictionary please!) on the ABCs of HIV prevention…


~It is said in Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs that the basic physiological needs of a human being is air, food, water, clothing, sleep, excretion, and SEX (Getting a bit N-E-R-D-Y here!). Yes, you’ve read it right. S-E-X! Now you may be thinking that it is T-O-T-A-L-L-Y impossible to abstain from sex since it is one of our basic physiological needs as a human. Well for me, it is possible. If you’re itching your way into sex, then you might just want to call on Mary Palmer for that.

Be faithful

~My F-A-V-E!!! Being faithful has a lot of pros and that includes preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs) especially the feared HIV.

But the question there is, you could be faithful but how many “partners” have you had in the past twelve months? See? You are “faithful” but you've been in twelve (Or more!) relationships in the past twelve months. “B” does not only stand for “Be faithful” but also “Be in a LONG monogamous relationship” and by “LONG” (Me likey!) I meant to say like you’ve been in a monogamous relationship for more than a year. Let us all be clear on that.

But then again, what if you’re in an OPEN RELATIONSHIP (And I know a lot of couples who are in this one)? The answer is…


~This is the answer to the previous question. Always have a rain coat or umbrella when it rains so you won’t get sick. A-L-W-A-Y-S use a condom if you’re gonna have sex with another person other than your partner (For those who are in an OPEN RELATIONSHIP only!!!). Never ever go BAREBACK.

But then again, you cannot do neither “A” nor “B”. You want to go to orgies and have sex with everyone you come across even with that dirty old beggar at that dark alley (Talk about dirty.). So what can you do? Again, the answer is always to use a condom CORRECTLY.

                                                             Video Courtesy of YouTube

Then again, your sexual partner doesn’t want to use condom. What can you do?

I suggest you pin him down on the bed (Or wherever you’re going to do it.) and do this to him…

                                                            Video Courtesy of YouTube

                                                            Video Courtesy of YouTube

No money to buy condoms? Shut up! Come on! You have an S3/iPhone/smart phone/iPad/Mini iPad/tablet/Macbook air/laptop/netbook/WiFi (Talk about being a gadget geek.) but you can’t buy a single condom? Seriously?! S-E-R-I-O-U-S-L-Y?! Geez!

Now that you’ve finished reading this post, you can at least say you’re…

I'm not HIV positive. I just thought of putting it there to get our attention. Ahihihihi! P-E-A-C-E! (.^_^.)v

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