
October 7, 2013


Hello again RANTers! How’s everyone doing?

I know that some of you missed my RANTs here so let’s not beat around the bush anymore and let’s get it on (And not that kind of “ON” thing if you know what I mean.)!

So, as what the title of this blog post suggests, I will be RANTing about S-E-X (Don’ try reading that phrase again. You read it right.). But that doesn’t mean that I will be showing you guys some SEX VIDEOS of some celebrity (Though there are a lot of it going around the net.) or something but maybe I’ll show you some E-Y-E- C-A-N-D-Y pictures.

But before you continue on reading this RANT of mine, I want you dear RANTers to O-P-E-N up your minds and hearts (And not your thighs and/or mouths for that matter.) and throw away your conservatism aside first because I will be including words that might shock some of you.


Shall we get started on RANTing then (Haven’t I already?)?

Just a few days ago, as I was browsing my e-mail subscription of the American men’s underwear brand ANDREW CHRISTIAN (insert link here), I stumbled on one I-N-T-E-R-E-S-T-I-N-G article that was included in one of their e-mails: an interview with one of my porn crushes TOPHER DIMAGGIO (So yes, I did beat a little bit around the bush here.).

Photo owned by ANDREW CHRISTIAN.

So what was the interview all about (Other than it being about one of my porn crushes.) that caught my eyes?

It was all about the difference between PORN SEX and R-E-A-L   L-I-F-E   S-E-X according to the views of a porn star. (Read the FULL INTERVIEW.)

To cut (Though Topher is UNCUT.) the story short (And it was not that S-H-O-R-T either.), PORN SEX is fake.

Why? Here is what Topher have to say…

“When I’m not fucking on camera, I don’t flex. I just fuck. In porn, you’re always, always flexing. It’s exhausting. You crunch your stomach, lean back, move one leg back so the camera can see you. In person, you just go at it, you’re not really worried how it looks.”
~Topher DiMaggio


A shocker, right? Here is the other thing Topher said when he was interviewed…

“Cumshots can take a while. You have to get in that mindset. Throughout the whole day it’s go, cut, stop, go again. With the cumshot, you have to get comfortable, half to time you have to watch porn to get yourself turned on again.”
~Topher DiMaggio

And another one…

“Another difference is that I pick very carefully who I fuck in real life. A lot of times with porn, you don’t get to pick who you work with, so you may or may not be actually attracted to that person. So then you have to take more Viagra so it’s easier to fake it. When it comes to my personal life, I never have to take Viagra at all.”
~Topher DiMaggio

Photo owned by ANDREW CHRISTIAN.

Such a shocker right?

But the question there is this: what is the purpose of PORN itself even though it only shows F-A-K-E   S-E-X?

For me, porn is that sexual fantasy that you’ve been dreaming of for your whole life being shown to you through the videos. It is what you want shown to you that you can’t have for the moment (STOP FAPPING YOURSELVES!!!).

Then again, what made me do an article about this interview of a GAY PORN STAR?

SEX EDUCATION. That is what concerns me.

Where do the teenagers get information with regards to SEX? Is it from their parents? Is it from the guidance councillor at school? Is it from the school teachers roaming around the corridors?

NO! Teenagers don’t learn things directly from these people about SEX. They either learn it from their peers or from browsing through PORN. And what’s worse, they do the deed themselves (Experience is the B-E-S-T teacher after all.). And that’s where the issue of teenage pregnancy comes in.

With that in mind, would teenagers dare to ask the question “How do you have sex?” or “When is the right time to have sex?” or “How do you know when it is the right person and the right time to have sex?”. I don’t think so. Teenagers/Adolescents would rather shut themselves up rather than embarrass themselves in front of their parents or from any of those people mentioned.

But then again, isn’t it that the responsibility of these people to teach those teenagers (Or adolescents for that matter.) whenever they ask about SEX? What’s stopping them from doing so?
I know the answer to that: C-O-N-S-E-R-V-A-T-I-S-M. That is what’s stopping them from talking to their children when the topic of SEX comes (Now who moaned?) up. They either tell the children to shut the hell up or they dodge the topic and talk about another one.

Did they learn anything about SEX from that kind of attitude of these people? Nope! NADA!

Am I telling all of these because I’ve experienced the same thing? I guess you could say so. I mean, who can I ask how to have sex with another man? I’ve lived for most of my life (As of now that is.) in the closet and I went to a private Catholic school during elementary and high school so to whom would I ask with regards to GAY SEX (Or SEX in general.)? One of our neighbors? I don’t think so.

Gathering information with regards to this topic through porn viewed F-R-E-E-L-Y from the internet would be the next best thing (That involves hiding the computer screen from prying eyes.). Not the kind of learning an adolescent should have, don’t you think?

Now, I am not asking for these people to teach K-A-M-A-S-U-T-R-A (But they can if they want to. It’s their own choice.) or something like that but if they want the issue of teenage pregnancy to be addressed or to be lessened, I guess they should start throwing aside that kind of attitude and start on RANTing (Without conviction, prejudice, and bias.) about it. They’re the only solution I can think of that can help solve these problems.

After all, where do they want their children to learn about SEX? From REAL SEX or FAKE SEX?

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