
November 4, 2013

Conservative Much?

Hey RANTers!

Okay. I just realized that I start my every RANT with a greeting. Maybe next time I’ll start it with a H-O-T and S-E-X-Y guy dancing for you guys (As if I can do that.).

Well anyway, let’s get started on the RANT right away.

Last November 2, 2013, I attended an LGBT event somewhere in Mandaluyong (OUTSIDE of Mandaluyong and not INSIDE.) and I happen to meet some members of the LGBT community.

To tell you the truth, that event was a beauty pageant and during the said event, I happen to have a chat (And not flirt. I already have a loving partner.) with some event-goers.

We talked about a whole lot of things that includes relationship problems, books, DOTA (Yep! You read it right. Though I only listened to them talk.), and of course about the LGBT community.

Hmm… How did I start that topic about it again?

Oh yeah, I told them that I find it amazing that the organization, Trippers Philippines, that organized the event is registered in the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Let’s have a little orientation here because some of you might be wondering why I find Trippers Philippines to be amazing.

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Just so you know, Trippers Philippines is a “texting clan”. And yes, it is the kind wherein you have to send GROUP MESSAGES (GMs) to the members of the group/org and make acquaintances and such. And it is the only “texting clan” that I know that is registered in the SEC. But Trippers Philippines go beyond the “texting clan” description. They are also active when it comes to LGBT events such as Pride March.

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Anyway, let’s get back on track.

As soon as I said that I find Trippers Philippines amazing because it is SEC registered, one of them told me that one of his friends who worked in the SEC told him that there are already a whole lot of LGBT-based organizations registered in the SEC and that friend of his is wondering why there isn’t an LGBT-based FOUNDATION.

I told him that maybe one of the reasons that there isn’t any LGBT-based foundation is that not every Filipino is supportive of our community. And one of the reasons why some aren’t supportive is because the Filipino people still has the word C-O-N-S-E-R-V-A-T-I-V-E ingrained in their blood (Woah! I’m talking like I’m not a Filipino here.).

He disagrees with me on that one. He said, “Being conservative is just in the mentality of the people”. And by that, he means that a Filipino could say “penis” and “vagina” and will not react violently to it compared to the words “titi” and “puke” being said aloud.

This little conversation of ours is the one that inspired me to do a RANT today.

What he said there is actually true. Being conservative is simply in the mind of the thinker. It is one of the few things that are stopping us from deciding what could be done at this point and at the same time it is what defines us (And I’m talking like a nerdy-nerd-nerd here.).

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We are a country full of conservative people. Conservative enough to degrade and to depress some members of the LGBT community; conservative enough to not be accepting of the norms of the LGBT community; conservative enough to stereotype that ALL GAYS and LESBIANS dress like that of the other gender; conservative enough to say that this how a man and how a woman should act; conservative enough to not listen and try understanding for who people really are.

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Photo not owned by blogger.

Our country is so “conservative” that whenever there is a “sex scandal” of a certain celebrity, we go berserk and shout out in our own social media accounts as to where we can watch that video (By the way, can you guys tell me where I can watch the alleged “scandal” of hottie Sebastian Castro? Just kidding!). We are so conservative that we enjoy watching whenever there is fist-fight-to-death between two men and disgusted whenever we see two men romantically holding hands or snogging (NOSE BLEED!!!).

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I admit to being a bit conservative (Weh?) when it comes to how ladies dress and act in public places(Well probably because I speak highly of them and respect them.) but it is only limited to that.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that being TOO conservative is like going on a sky diving trip and expect your parachute to work even though it’s closed. It is one hell of dive.

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