How is everyone doing?
Not that well for me as what you can see on the title of this blog.
Just last night as I was browsing through the News Feed of my Facebook account (I just want to be kept updated on what's happening with the lives of my Facebook friends. I am such gossiper, am I not?), I tumbled upon a picture of Mrs. Cynthia Villar that looks like this...
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I saw this picture from one of the "Pro-RH" pages on Facebook. |
I was F-L-A-B-B-E-R-G-A-S-T-E-D (Tissue please! Bloody nose on the lose!) by what I saw. So I thought to myself that maybe there is also a video of this statement of hers as well.
Lo and behold! As I went through my News Feed, I saw a shared video by three of my Facebook friends (I'm such a G-O-S-S-I-P-E-R aren't I?). So I took the privilege of watching the video.
As I was watching the video, I'm observing Mrs. Villar's non-verbal communication or in other words, her body language as she was introduced by the host. To tell you the truth, it seems like that she was not that I-N-T-E-L-L-I-G-E-N-T (I wonder how she was voted as congresswoman in the first place).
Then came Ms. Winnie Monsod's question for her. I was already expecting a question about nursing because this was the interview that made a lot of nurses react violently.
I've observed that the way she answer the Ms. Monsod's question was not that intelligent at all. I mean, where the hell did she get her education? I gave her the benefit of the doubt that maybe the time span in which she has to answer the question was very short. Then again, maybe not. Because the question was simple and she has to answer the question S-I-M-P-L-Y as well.
Then came the follow-up question of Ms. Monsod. Now THAT is where her statement (Which is below the belt, by the way. I really mean WWAAAAYY below the belt. Don't be G-R-E-E-N about it again.) about US nurses came from.
You can see from the video Ms. Monsod's reaction to Cynthia Villar's answer. She was flabbergasted as well (TISSUE! I NEED TISSUE!!!). I mean, come on! Nurse or not, anyone who've watched the video would say that she answered D-I-S-R-E-S-P-E-C-T-F-U-L-L-Y. Anyone who is professional would see that.
After watching that video clip, I have a lot of questions in mind...
1. What made her answer that way? Was it too much of an information for her? (Girl, you really are such a R-A-T-B-A-G.)
2. Who is she to say that we nurses don't need to undergo the four-year BSN program because we just want to be "room" nurses (See the "RN" in that as well? Ahihihihi!)?
3. How was she voted as the Congresswoman of Las Pinas? (Vote for sale?)
4. Did she have any unpleasant experience with a nurse before?
5. Is she a FRUSTRATED nurse? I mean, she doesn't have the means nor the capacity of finishing the BSN program. Judging by the way she answered the question thrown (Duck!) to her.
These are just some of the questions that is running through my mind. What about you my dear RANTers? What can you say about her statement?
eh di ikaw na!..