
April 29, 2013

“Mary Griffith” of the Philippines

“What do you think is the reason that Ms. Risa Hontiveros is an LGBT rights advocate?”

Photo taken from Cesar Patrick Bonales on Facebook

Hello there again RANTers!!! Did you guys miss me? Of course not. Ahahahaha! (Come on! Laugh with me! I look like a schizo here!)

So, this is the second post that I have done for this day. Why? It’s because I haven’t posted anything on this blog site for the past two Mondays. So, yeah I’ll be doing three posts in one day and this would be the second one.

Before I answer the question above, I’ll be telling you one story (And now I’ve became Grandmother Goose.).

Last April 15, 2013, I attended one of the tapings of “Mano-Mano ni Anthony Taberna” as one of the audience from Youth Vote Philippines (YVP). Ms. Risa Hontiveros was there together with other two senatoriables, Cong. Teddy Casiño and Senator Trillanes.

During the break of the taping, we were told that three of us, from the YVP, need to formulate a question to ask any of the senatoriables present and I was supposed to be one of them. I immediately thought of the question that had been bugging me for some time. That question is why Ms. Risa Hontiveros an LGBT rights advocate. But then I was ashamed (And to think that I’m a thespian. Geez!) to ask it on national television so I kept it to myself.

Then just last week, Nr. Alvin Dakis posted on our Facebook group that there would be an interview with Ms. Risa Hontiveros on April 25, 2013. Just as soon as I saw it posted on our group, I immediately responded that I could come to the event to cover it. Then lo and behold, I was one of the two PHBS members who went to the interview (I was with Nr. Janina Santos that time).

The interview was done by BLOGWATCH and each person who was there during the interview is asked to prepare some queries. Need I say more that I asked the query that had been bugging my mind; what made Ms. Risa Hontiveros an LGBT rights advocate?

Now, some of you could be thinking that maybe the reason that Ms Risa Hontiveros is supporting LGBT Rights is because she’s one of us. The answer to that is “N-O!”. She’s NEITHER a lesbian nor a bisexual. Let’s all be C-R-Y-S-T-A-L clear on that.

As what Nr. Alvin Dakis have said to me one time, “No need to be an LGBT to be an LGBT advocate”. He is right on that part (Even though he is a left-handed person. I am so C-O-R-N-Y!)

Now, to answer the question on the first part of this post, here is the Ms. Hontivero’s W-H-O-L-E answer to that…

“My Tito was a gay man.”

Those first F-I-V-E words (Woah! I actually know how to count! I never thought I could do that.) was enough for me. But then she continued with her speech. She told us that her Tito left the country because he himself knows that he’ll N-E-V-E-R be happy here. Why? Because to the society back then (In my own perspective, that is.), we were mere JOKES; something to laugh at and should never allowed to live. We were thought as “a MISTAKE of the Creation”. But to her, we are also HUMAN BEINGS who have the right to E-X-I-S-T just as anybody else is.

One thing that she said that made an I-M-P-A-C-T on my life as a gay guy is this….

“Yung expression natin (Our expression) of who we are, who we love is part of being human. It’s the most basic thing that we have to cherish.”

Is it one of the most W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L thing that I’ve heard or what? My heart just swelled (And I don’t have cardiomegaly nor history of it.) as soon as I heard it.

It’s true that Ms. Risa Hontiveros is one senatoriable to vote for. She’s one S-I-M-P-L-E human being who doesn’t have any prejudice to the LGBT community. And that’s why for me, she is the equivalent of Mary Griffith (To those who doesn’t know her, kindly watch “Prayers for Bobby”. It’s a good movie.) here in our country.

So to my fellow countrymen, please vote (Even though I can’t because I’m not a registered voter.) WISELY (‘GAYLY’ if possible.).

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